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TriviaDatabase – Mobile Quizzing

Licensing a TriviaDatabase is the smartest way to power your trivia product and increase player engagement. Ultimately trivia products are only as good as the quizzes they surface to their users. The Trivia Database is one of the leading quiz providers in the USA and the only one focused solely on mobile gaming.

Why Is Our TriviaDatabase Content Unique?

Our trivia is written solely for usage on mobile and tablet devices. This is important as the style of writing and the length and questions & answers will hugely affect the game play experience of the end user.
1) Writing Style:
Mobile gamers need short, concise content rather than wordy questions found in Trivial Pursuit and the like. The trivia question and answer options need to be quickly digested to ensure the user has a good gaming experience. Our writers are either from Gen Z or the Millennial Generation and they know what end users expect from a triviadatabase.
2) Character Count:
The length of a question and answer is very different for mobile than a quiz designed for a bar quiz night. The content needs to be concise (under 90 characters) and the answers need to be under 20 characters. This means that any company trying to sell trivia for bar quizzes to mobile developers and publishers are not selling a triviadatabase fit for purpose.
3) Trivia Topics:
Our quiz database doesn’t contain the usual General Knowledge, History and other boring topics. We provide content for entertainment so the focus is on social media stars, celebs, films and music stars. Our clients are looking to engage a young audience and therefore need content that the players will want to consume.

What Markets Do We Cover?

Our database is written for the core gaming markets of the world. Primarily the content is written for the US audience, with a heavy focus on domestic stars across TV, film, music, sport and social media. However, the world of Gen Z and Millennials is truly global so we also have content for stars from Japan, UK, Europe and Korea.

How Do We Deliver The TriviaDatabase Content?

We are a “mobile first” company and the majority of our clients expect the content in jSON to XML formats. We also provide content in .CSV or .XLS. The majority of companies providing quiz content typically provide content in Word or PDF. This is fine for pub and bar quizzes but it won’t help mobile developers to power their trivia games.

How Quickly Do We Deliver The Trivia?

Typically we are able to send the content to our clients within 2-3 working of receiving payment. Our busiest time is early Q4 when all of our clients update their apps for the Christmas seasonal period.

How Do I Get A Quote?

Click on the button below and enter your requirements and we will send you a tailored quotation.